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Escape While You Can: The Hidden Costs and High Fees of Edward Jones

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Run, don’t walk, away from Edward Jones. The damage is kind of done already, but they will inflict more unnecessary costs and will keep steering you to high load, big fee funds. It’s ridiculous in this day and age.

High Fees
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Anti-financial advisor from a “financial advisor”

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I’ll preface that this is more of a rant and confession than anything else. I am a 29 year old “financial planner” for a major brokerage firm that I have been with for 7 years now. I am always so impressed as I scroll through this sub the savviness of the average poster - from saving strategies, bogle head inspired investment strategies, and the overall effective simplicity. In my day job as a “planner” (salesman) we are taught to muddy the waters, complicate the process, and create fear to sell simplistic and unnecessary financial services. I wish I could give real advice ( max out, index, save, etc) but that simply won’t pay the bills. Saving aggressively, maxing tax deferred accounts, and indexing is a simple yet the most effective strategy that anyone can do.

It gives me quite the morale dilemma of pursuing a career in something I don’t believe there’s real value in. In my opinion, for 95+% of folks there is no need for a financial planner/advisor. The only real value in paying for any type of financial service I see is a tax advisor for those in complex situations; but there is simply no need for a financial advisor. I love the planning side of my career, but absolutely hate the sales side, which has stalled my career progress because I have turned down promotions to avoid the majority of my income becoming commission based and to stay in the space of helping rather than selling, which is hurting my own income / FIRE goals.

If I could go back in time, I would have become a CPA or perhaps an estate planner - where real value can be provided. Anyways, I know I am preaching to the choir here but, don’t get sucked in by a financial planner/advisor.

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Conflicts of Interest

The 1% Trap: How a Small Fee Can Cost You 32% of Your Investment Returns Over Time

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Using the compound interest calculator at, a $10,000 initial investment compounded at 7% annually will be worth $149,744 after 40 years; at 6% (representing a fee of 1%), it's worth only $102,857. The 1% fee ate up 32% of the return.

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High Fees

not confident and can't trust my financial advisor

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I am 27 years old and recently inherited about $700,000. My family has a financial advisor through a more prominent firm, but I can not trust the guy. He is charging +2% fee on our total sum. He got a lot of customers, so I feel like he does not have enough time/energy to focus on my wealth.

I have been studying/reading and thinking about doing it by myself through Vanguard's index funds. I'm thinking put majority of my money in couple index funds and let it sit for years without making adjustments. However, I am pretty scared that I'm going to blow all my money.

Some say I should hire a financial advisor, but it seems like FA are all trying to do whatever is in THEIR best interest (although they say that they will be my fiduciary).

Edit: I'm sorry. I don't think I was clear regrading the fee he is charging us. 2% is one time fee as long as I leave it in that designated mutual fund. What I meant by total sum is $ I will put into a mutual fund and after that i guess there are some "hidden" fees. I guess the fee is set by each mutual fund company and he gets a little portion of that 2%.

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